POP Campaign

Feb 6, 2020

Through the work we do with young women up and down the country we have seen behaviours and attitudes within peer groups that can be very harmful, unfortunately bullying and peer on peer abuse continue to be a major issue for all young people.

We all have different understandings of what peer on peer abuse is and how it presents but we all know just how harmful this can be in a young persons present and future. We wanted to be able to engage young women in a conversation around peer on peer abuse without focusing on the more extreme cases.

Our Definition – Peer on peer abuse is any form of physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse and coercive control exercised between young people and within young people’s relationships (both intimate and non-intimate). Everyone directly involved in peer on peer abuse is under the age of 18.

Following on from consultations and conversations with different groups of young women we have developed a Peer on Peer (POP) Abuse Campaign, Rewind: Mind the Signs. The campaign will run as a graphic novel in 12 weekly instalments following the life of 14 year old Jasmine as she navigates teen friendships and pressures.

Introducing Jasmine:

We need your support